You are sitting there, probably waiting for the edible you ate to take effect. But when it did, you realized that you were way too frigging high.
You know you’re high when you’ve been chilling and not moving or talking for about twenty minutes. And there went your breathing, in a couple of minutes, it drastically changed from automatic to manual.
You start to feel afraid because you don’t know if your brain will ever go back to how it was. Maybe you have to go to a family get-together later, or maybe you just don’t want to be high in the first place, which doesn’t help your anxiety. Or perhaps you just have a low tolerance. You start to wonder: Is there a faster way to come down from a high?

Most of the time, it is too late to know that you went a little bit overboard on weed other than accepting that you are getting another of your dreaded couch-lock episodes. If you aren’t sure where the line to cross is, there are a few signs you can look out for. Even though we all like to have fun, you may need to cut back if you feel anxious, nauseous, dizzy, panicked, paranoid, scared for no reason, confused, and sweating excessively.
Remember that the buzz you feel is caused by THC, which binds to the CB1 receptors of our endocannabinoid systems, most of which are in our brains. In a nutshell, it’s all in your head! THC cannot be consumed in acceptable quantities to cause death, nor does it affect parts of the brain that could affect your breathing.
When THC is in our bodies, it can make us feel relaxed, sleepy, hungry, happy, and clumsy, but it’s hard to know when a high is too much because there are so many different strains and products. Also, in rare cases, people who suffer from cannabis hyperemesis syndrome might make you feel sick and like they’re going to pass out.
Sometimes, it’s enough to turn off the most experienced cannabis user. Cannabis isn’t lethal, and thankfully the effects wear off after a few hours.
Here’s how to get back on your feet or at least make greening out easier to deal with.
Don’t Panic.
Don’t worry, everything is fine. Though everything around you may feel more like a vivid dream, you are just fine. The more you indulge yourself with unpleasant sensations, the more stress signals your body produces. Try not to overthink these strange “feels”, keep your cool.
If your fear of overdosing makes you panicky or anxious, you should know that you can’t overdose on cannabis. There aren’t enough cannabinoid receptors in the part of the brain that regulates our breathing and heart rate. So, THC doses won’t affect anything physically in your body.We’re here to tell you that there have been no reported deaths from cannabis overdoses in history, despite what you may have heard. So even if you’re scared or sweating a lot, it’s not a matter of dying from too much use.
Eat some snacks.
Some people find that a small snack helps them feel more stable. There is no difference between smoking weed on an empty stomach or on a full stomach.
But if you eat edibles when you’re hungry, the effects of cannabis will hit you hard and fast. Experts think that your body absorbs cannabis faster when your stomach is empty, so its effects can hit you hard and fast.
When the CB1 receptor is activated, high THC levels can also cause hunger pangs. This causes no discomfort, but what you eat may. Instead of eating chips, stock up on nutritious fruits and vegetables for when the munchies strike. Choose something filling and nutritious, such as yogurt, fresh fruit, microwaved soup, or healthy cereal.
Water is the most important part of getting sober. Have a nice, cold drink, whether you like water or juice (preferably non-caffeinated, coffee will not help). This will help you deal with dry mouth and let you focus on something simple and easy: sipping and swallowing.
Remember that when we say “hydrate,” we don’t necessarily mean “knockback with a few drinks of alcohol.” If the effects of your strain are a little too strong, don’t drink alcohol because it can raise the amount of THC in your blood.
Take a break and open a window.
Take at least three slow, deep breaths. Breathe deeply and fully through your nose and out of your mouth. You’ll be just fine. Just be patient while you ride out your unpleasant — but not dangerous — high. Find a peaceful, tranquil space free of distractions where you can unwind and take a deep breath. Be aware that the intense discomfort you feel will go away.
If you can’t get your mind off of something, changing your scenery and getting some fresh air can help. Just make sure you stay close to where you are and bring a friend. —we don’t want you to be disoriented while on the road! If you’re feeling too woozy or light-headed to stand, skip the walk.
Lie down
For some, moving or attempting to stand and walk worsens the experience. In these cases, getting a solid rest is the better thing to do.
Go with the flow. Recognize that you are experiencing a bad high and do not fight it. Draw yourself into thought loops. Lay down on the couch or your bed, and close your eyes. Stay in that resting position as long as necessary. And if you can, try sleeping it off.
Take a cold shower.
Showers, in general, refresh the body and mind, and cold showers, in particular, are thought to help reduce the symptoms associated with depressive symptoms and increase neurotransmitters and make you feel more awake and at ease.
Some others also swear by putting a cold compress on the back of the neck.
Get distracted!
The things that look so fun and exciting when you’re high can be a great way to keep yourself busy while you’re trying to come down. We think you should:
Play your favorite record.
Play some video games.
Talk with your friends and family (who are likely to be at your side, supporting that you are not alone).
Or snuggle up with your partner.
Enjoy a funny sitcom or cartoon.
Enjoy a delicious meal.
Remember that you’re not in danger. The situation that you’re in is only temporary. Don’t dwell on your inability to think clearly or berate yourself for forgetting a word. Instead, focus on things that help you feel safe. No matter what you like to do to keep yourself busy, make sure it makes you feel warm and comfortable with positive emotions and provides you with the gentle assurance that you’re secure and in good health
Try some CBD.
It may seem odd, but some people use CBD to counteract the effects of too much THC. CBD is an excellent anti-anxiety compound that can counteract too much THC in many people. CBD’s anti-anxiety mechanisms function by modulating THC receptor signaling. CBD, unlike THC, does not bind to the brain’s CB1 receptors so that it can balance and reduce the intensity of the high.
If you have terpenes, you can also use them. Some have relaxing effects when inhaled. And you might also want to go to the kitchen and try eating foods or spices rich in them.
The lemony scent comes from the terpene limonene present inside the lemons. The way limonene affects neurotransmitters in the brain could, in theory, help bring down a high and lessen some bad reactions, such as depression and anxiety.
You could also use plain lemons. Simply squeeze two lemons into a glass of water and drink. You can also eat the juices of a lemon by cutting it in half. Or make lemonade! It is refreshing, but it might also help you calm down.
But here is the deal. When you are too high, the reality might look like you walked into the kitchen and just stared at a lemon for like three hours. So why not make one beforehand?
Caryophyllene is a common terpene that is known for making people feel calm. Another terpene-based strategy involves beta-caryophyllene, a terpene found in black pepper used to combat weed-related anxiety.
Visit your spice cabinet, check the cupboards, and sniff a few smashed or ground fresh pepper. Caryophyllene can also be found in oregano, rosemary, and cloves.
If you have a handful of peppercorns, chew or put them in hot water with some lemon rind and let them sit for a while. Also, you can try something new, or you can just wolf them down as is.
Going on a mountain hike or strolling through the woods sometimes just makes you feel centered and calm, doesn’t it? That is the way that it is for a good reason. Because pinene has a soothing effect on people, the smell of the woods can calm the mind and, at times, is the best way to lift up the blues.
But be mindful in using essential oils and terpenes, especially if inhaled or ingested. They can be potent and may pose a risk.
Call a Friend.
Talk to a trusted (and sober) friend, and ask them to hang out with you until you feel better. Sharing your experience of being too high with someone who gets it can be very helpful. Ask this buddy with requests like, “I need you to call me every 45 minutes to remind me that I’m fine until I tell you to stop.”
Before you consume, know your limits.
If possible, take the time to plan your cannabis use based on how much you can handle. Don’t go beyond your comfort zone if you know that more than two puffs from a joint make you jittery or if a 10mg gummy makes you cling to the couch. This won’t help you once you’ve gone over the edge, but it may help you avoid an uncomfortable scenario next time.
Consume with friends you trust and who you’ve smoked with before.
But don’t feel like you have to match their tolerance levels. It’s great to make new friends, but it’s not fun to be surrounded by strangers when you can’t feel your face. It can even be scary.
Be patient, especially with dabs and edibles.
We recommend starting with a dose of at least 10 mg (or at least 5 mg as a precaution) and waiting at least an hour or even two before increasing it. The same is true for inhalation methods—If you only ever take one hit from your vaporizer, don’t sit in a smoking circle for an hour puffing and passing.