Cannabinoid research has only recently begun, but THCP is one of the most potent cannabinoids discovered so far.
You are likely already familiar with delta 9 THC, the chief psychoactive component in cannabis. There are actually dozens of distinct forms of THC. Some are far more powerful than others. Here, we’ll talk about THCP, a cannabinoid that is thought to be more than 30 times more potent than delta-9 THC and the most powerful member of the THC class.
THCP, which stands for “tetrahydrocannabiphorol” and is also called “(-)-Trans-9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol” in science, is a natural cannabinoid that is similar to THC and is found in some types of cannabis. THCP is believed to be 33 times more active on Cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors than THC, which gives THCP a strong, euphoric high. THCP is found naturally in cannabis plants but in very low concentrations.
This is an interesting question, and we don’t have a concrete answer yet.
THCP is still a newcomer to the cannabis industry, and scientists are still conducting extensive research for medical purposes. THCP has the same effects as THC but with an added punch. It may also be a more effective sleep aid for those who have insomnia. Pain relief will almost certainly be enhanced. So far, the following are some of the recognized benefits of using THCP:
Relieving aches and pains
Increase in appetite
What is it about THCP that makes it so psychoactive?
The size and shape of the molecule influence the effects of cannabis.
Carbon atoms significantly influence cannabis’s ability to produce psychoactive effects. Researchers have previously demonstrated that THC must have at least three carbons on the alkyl-side chain to have any psychoactive effects. The greater the number of carbons, the greater the effect (there are limitations to this).

THCP has seven carbon atoms instead of 5 in its carbon chain.
THC is part of a five-alkyl carbon chain, which you may be familiar with if you’re acquainted with other cannabinoids like CBG, CBD, Delta 8, etc. This type of carbon chain can produce psychoactive effects on certain levels.
Longer alkyl chain phytocannabinoids appear to bind more readily with CB-1 receptors in the body’s central nervous system. The seven-carbon alkyl chain in THCP seems to have a more substantial binding effect on a cannabinoid receptor in the brain. This means that more THCP is absorbed by the gut and gets to the brain than regular THC. It is absolutely okay if none of this makes sense to you. The important thing to understand is that THC-P is extremely potent.
It has been reported that THCP has a high affinity for binding with CB1 receptors, which are mostly found in the brain and body. These receptors help regulate anxiety, stress, pain relief, happiness, and other emotions. Also, these new studies have shown that THCP may be five to ten times more active than THC on the CB2 receptors. These receptors help control inflammation and pain, boost our immune response to pathogens, and stop bone loss as we age.
No, THCP is not made in a lab. It is found naturally in cannabis. THCP is one of cannabis’s identified 140 (or more) phytocannabinoids. The amount of THCP found in nature is much less than 0.1 percent. Like the FM2 strain grown in Italy, some hemp plants have almost 0.1% THCP. In comparison, marijuana has 25–30% THC, while hemp has 0.3 percent or less. CBD levels in hemp are typically between 20 and 30 percent, while levels in marijuana are around 15 percent. Due to the extremely low concentration of THCP in cannabis, researchers must artificially recreate it to study it further.
So, if this comes from the cannabis or hemp plants, how do they extract THCP?
The first paper documenting THCP extraction from a cannabis plant was published in 2019 and was later adapted to develop the current manufacturing process. Without delving so much into chemistry, all cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants start as CBGA. CBGA then undergoes an enzymatic reaction with other acidic compounds in cannabis to produce THC AND CBD. THC and CBD are the starting material for the production of THCP, implying that they can be effectively derived from hemp. The cannabis or hemp plant then slowly converts THCPA to THCP via a process known as decarboxylation.
Yes, it can. The effects of THCP are seriously strong. It is likely to produce a much more potent set of psychoactive effects than Delta-9. While we don’t have any sure answers as to how THCP works in the human body, it is fair to assume that it gets you high.
Many THCP users say that the effects are an enhanced version of THC. It’s more potent (almost psychoactive) and requires fewer doses to experience similar effects to THC. The original paper from 2019 about the first time THCP was found in a cannabis plant says that it relieves pain and suggests that THCP might have many of the same medical effects as THC. However, although THCP and THC may have many of the same benefits, there is one big difference between the two. Because THCP is 30 times more biologically active than THC, its effects are also 30 times stronger. This means that THCP and THC will be given in very different amounts. For this, you should be careful, especially if you have ever had adverse reactions from THC, such as anxiety, memory loss, or paranoia.
There is not much information on the effect of THCP on the brain. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that this cannabinoid has the same common effects as delta 9 THC, but with more stimulating action and a stronger alteration in visual and auditory perception. THCP is not hallucinogenic, the sensation it gives is often described as leaning towards the psychedelic. You will not see things, leave your body, or experience any typical psychedelic effects, but it will shift your perception away from the center. You may become interested in things you would not normally be interested in, music may sound different than you remember, and colors may appear brighter than they were before. The side effects are also heightened.
It takes about an hour for edible forms of THCP, such as gummies or tinctures, to take effect. The effects intensify over the next hour and peak by hour three. These effects are strongest for about 2 hours before slowly fading. The overall experience lasts 4 to 6 hours. THCP inhaled forms, such as vapes or THCP flowers, kick in much faster within 15 minutes. A peak experience is reached after one hour and begins to taper off after about two hours. The effects of inhaling THCP last between 3 and 5 hours.
The side effects of THCP are still unclear. However, since THCP is similar to THC, we can say that the two share similar side effects, with THCP’s side effects being more noticeable. The following are some common side effects of THC:
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Dry Mouth
- Red Eyes
- Fatigue or Lethargy
- Anxiousness
- Paranoia
Since THCP is said to bind to your CB1 receptor more strongly, we think the side effects may be more robust.
How is THCP different from other cannabinoids?
THCP is different from most other cannabinoids in several ways. One of the most significant differences is its longer side chain, which contains 7 carbon atoms, compared to the 5 carbon atoms found in most other cannabinoids, including THC. This longer side chain may make THCP more potent and have longer-lasting effects. Additionally, THCP has a higher binding affinity to CB1 and CB2 receptors than THC, which may contribute to its increased potency.
What is THCP?
THCP is a newly discovered cannabinoid that is found in cannabis plants. It is structurally similar to THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, but has a longer side chain, which may contribute to its increased potency and duration of effects. THCP has been found in some cannabis strains in very small amounts, and more research is needed to fully understand its properties and potential medical uses.
How Potent is THCP?
THCP is considered to be a very potent cannabinoid, with some studies suggesting that it may be even more potent than THC. One study found that THCP had 33 times higher binding affinity to CB1 and CB2 receptors than THC, which could contribute to its increased potency. Additionally, THCP has a longer side chain than THC, which may also play a role in its potency and duration of effects.
What are the effects of THCP?
As THCP is a newly discovered cannabinoid, there is limited information available on its effects. However, some studies have suggested that THCP may be more potent than THC and may have longer-lasting effects. Additionally, THCP has a higher binding affinity to CB1 and CB2 receptors than THC, which may contribute to its increased potency. It is important to note that the effects of THCP may vary depending on factors such as dosage, individual tolerance, and method of consumption.
Is THCP legal?
The legality of THCP varies depending on the country and jurisdiction. In many countries, cannabis and its derivatives, including THCP, are illegal under federal law. However, some countries have legalized cannabis for medical or recreational use, and in these cases, THCP may be legal or regulated for use. It is important to check the laws and regulations in your specific jurisdiction before using THCP or any other cannabis product.
How is THCP consumed?
Like other cannabinoids, THCP can be consumed in a variety of ways, including smoking, vaping, or ingesting. However, as THCP is a newly discovered cannabinoid, it is not yet clear what the most effective and safe method of consumption is. Additionally, because THCP is present in very small amounts in cannabis plants, it may be difficult to isolate and extract in large enough quantities to be used in products. More research is needed to determine the best methods of consuming THCP and the potential risks and benefits associated with each method.
Can THCP be used medically?
While more research is needed, THCP may have potential medical benefits. For example, studies have suggested that THCP may have pain-relieving properties and may help reduce anxiety-like behavior. However, it is important to note that THCP is a newly discovered cannabinoid, and its safety and efficacy for medical use have not been established. Additionally, THCP is currently not legal or regulated for medical use in most countries.
Is THCP addictive?
There is limited information available on the potential addictive properties of THCP. However, as with any cannabinoid, there is a risk of addiction with prolonged and excessive use. It is important to use THCP responsibly and in moderation, and to seek professional help if you are concerned about your use of THCP or any other substance.
How is THCP produced?
THCP is typically produced through extraction and isolation methods from cannabis plants. However, as it is a newly discovered cannabinoid, the production methods are still being refined. Some researchers have suggested that THCP may be present in cannabis plants in very small amounts, but it is not yet clear how much THCP is produced naturally by cannabis plants.
Can THCP be found in hemp plants?
THCP has been found in trace amounts in some hemp plants, but its presence is not common. More research is needed to determine the prevalence of THCP in hemp plants. Additionally, hemp plants are typically grown for their fiber and seeds, rather than their cannabinoid content, so it is unlikely that THCP will be a significant component of hemp-derived products.
How can THCP be tested for in cannabis products?
Currently, there are no established methods for testing for THCP in cannabis products. However, as more research on THCP is conducted, testing methods may be developed and refined. It is important for consumers to be aware that THCP may be present in some cannabis products, and to seek out products that have been tested for purity and potency. Additionally, it is important for regulatory bodies to establish guidelines for the testing and labeling of cannabis products to ensure that consumers have accurate and reliable information about the products they are using.
THCP is a cannabinoid that will play an essential role in the development of cannabinoid science in the years to come.
The keynote is that THCP is a more potent, legal form of delta 9 THC.
Because of the difficult manufacturing process, THCP and lesser-known cannabinoids are hard to come by.
We here at DENEX take time digging into cannabinoids and we know what cannabinoid compounds are currently in the buzz. So, if you are interested in trying THCP, give our team a call at 888-336-3926!
Our THCP has been tested by trusted laboratories to ensure what you are getting is of the highest quality. However, due to legality issues in some states with THC-derived products, it is best to double-check if this is something you can obtain.
You can also subscribe to our newsletter to get the most recent offers on our cannabinoid products.
Stone, Emma Francis. (2021, December 23). The Complete Guide to THCP. Leafreport.
Dispensaries News. (2020, Feburary 19). Scientists Discover New Compound in Marijuana That Could Provide Health Benefits.
Winkler, Natasha. (2020, February 20). Will THCP Actually Get You 30x Higher Than THC? Veriheal.